Accessibility Statement

ClearEstate is committed to using reasonable efforts to provide a safe and accessible environment that respects the independence, integration, equal opportunity and dignity of people with disabilities. You can provide us with feedback regarding our services to individuals with disabilities by emailing us at or call 1-(866) 210-2362 between 9:00am and 5:00pm EST from Monday to Friday (except holidays).

ClearEstate has adopted accessibility standards that align with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and with the Accessible Canada Act. Our Accessibility Plan outlines how we work on removing and preventing accessibility barriers for our customers and employees.

Statement of Commitment

ClearEstate is committed to treating all people in a way that maintains their dignity and independence. We are committed to ensuring a safe and accessible environment that respects the independence, integration, equal opportunity and dignity of people with disabilities. We’re committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner, and to prevent and remove barriers.

Customer Service 

We encourage our employees who have direct contact with our customers to always ask them “how can I help you”; “do you require any accommodation” making sure customers are well-equipped to attend our meetings with them. Our team is also open to allow family members of customers with disabilities to meetings if consent is obtained. Additionally, we have limited capabilities to serve customers in different languages, including, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Hindi. However, our platform is offered solely in English in Canada and the USA and English and French in Quebec, Canada. 


As a young company, we have recently built our training on how to serve customers with disabilities, which we will roll out in early 2024. We will also conduct yearly reviews of the training to discuss learnings from the years and clarify any doubts.


ClearEstate is committed to creating a diverse workforce and an inclusive, supportive workplace where everyone is treated with respect. We recognize that we have a responsibility to provide a barrier-free work environment and equitable employment opportunities for all our employees.

ClearEstate is committed to protecting employees against harassment and discrimination, and we have implemented a policy that provides mechanisms for reporting any wrongdoing in the workplace.

You can visit our Careers page here.


ClearEstate offers reasonable accommodations to applicants with disabilities interested in joining the ClearEstate team. We encourage any person who requires an accommodation to let us know in their application. 

Depending on the position and resources available, we also partner with community agencies and provincial employment offices to better match job seekers to opportunities and to better understand the accessibility needs of applicants.

Workplace Accommodation for People with Disabilities

ClearEstate is committed to creating a work environment in which everyone is empowered to develop, to contribute, and to succeed. Accommodating people with disabilities is an important part of our commitment to an inclusive, supportive and accessible workplace. As a Company, we are committed to creating an inclusive environment where employees feel comfortable, safe, and free from inappropriate and disrespectful conduct is one of our core values. We do not tolerate harassment and discrimination and have a policy against Workplace Harassment and Discrimination which contains a Complaint Procedure and Investigation for anyone who thinks has been a victim of any type of physical or psychological harassment.

Performance and Career Development 

ClearEstate strives to meet the accessibility needs of all employees. We are committed to fostering open communication and encourage employees to speak with their Managers about any accommodations that they require to perform their work effectively. Managers and HR teams work with employees to provide accommodations and remove barriers to performance and career development.

Employees returning to ClearEstate after a disability-related absence work with their manager to develop a return-to-work plan, for a smooth transition back to the workplace. Managers and support team members work proactively to prevent and remove any accessibility barriers an employee faces.

Accessible Emergency Information

ClearEstate is committed to responding to customers' queries in a timely manner. In the event of a planned or unexpected disruption to services which impacts customers, including customers with disabilities, we will notify them promptly. The notice will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration and a description of available alternative services, if any.

We also provide all of our employees, including employees with disabilities, with emergency response information when they need it.